Diverging Library and Information Services, Converging Technologies, Surging Professional Roles and Emerging Scenario for LIS Manpower Development
Volume 6, Issue 4, August 2017
8 August 2017
6 September 2017
22 September 2017
Abstract: Growing globalization, increasing competition and technological turbulences are demanding generation of new knowledge, more intensive search for ideas from all cultures and societies and adopt best practices. Institutions that generate new knowledge, accumulate the need and application specific knowledge and strategically use it are thriving and advancing in the present era. Libraries had always remained an important component of the knowledge infrastructure and are now required to undergo enormous transformation in view of the growing digital landscape, networked environment, and changes in ways users search, access and communicate information. Libraries have opportunities to expand their functionalities and offer services in newly diverging dimensions. While ICTs are converging for facilitating compact storage, quick retrieval and anytime and anywhere access to information from small handheld devices, a typical information user is facing information overload and time constrained environment and hence requires expert assistance in finding worthwhile information. The big data challenges, increasing unbundling of information, emerging new knowledge management (KM) tools, and content management software are offering new service opportunities for LIS professionals. How quickly professionals are able to identify service gaps, perceive and prepare for new roles, will determine the new service opportunities because when trained manpower is deployed at the right place and put to work, new possible services are automatically likely to take off. This paper presents the on-going changes in libraries, developments on information turf and their implications for information management. Discusses the surging roles and possible areas of service opportunities for LIS professionals. Portrays the opportunities for expansion and desired directions of change in the LIS education and training programs in India. In the wake of diverging functionalities of libraries and information centres, technological developments and surging professional roles, this study highlights the need for rejigging LIS education and training programs in India.
Abstract: Growing globalization, increasing competition and technological turbulences are demanding generation of new knowledge, more intensive search for ideas from all cultures and societies and adopt best practices. Institutions that generate new knowledge, accumulate the need and application specific knowledge and strategically use it are thriving and ad...
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The Future Prospects of Taiwan’s Non-Specialized Retail
Tso Chun-To,
Lee Tzong-Ru,
Yu Ching-Yun,
Wu Dai-Lun,
Su Yu-Ping
Volume 6, Issue 4, August 2017
21 September 2017
13 October 2017
16 November 2017
Abstract: In the consumer-centric era, the intense competition forced retailers have to expand their product offering and deepen their services to satisfy consumers. In respond the customer demands, retailers have devoted in Omni-channel integration, Internet of Things (IoT) applications and supporting diversified payment tools. In aspect of Nonspecialized-Retailers’ product offering, more and more horizontal alliances are formed in order to provide a one-stop service, in addition, many shopping centers and department stores in Taiwan invested in remodeling projects to attract international brand to station in.
Abstract: In the consumer-centric era, the intense competition forced retailers have to expand their product offering and deepen their services to satisfy consumers. In respond the customer demands, retailers have devoted in Omni-channel integration, Internet of Things (IoT) applications and supporting diversified payment tools. In aspect of Nonspecialized-R...
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