Engineering Patterns of Changes in the Parameters of Functioning of Intercity Passenger Transportation System
Nizami Gyulyev,
Dolia Kostiantyn,
Dolia Olena
Volume 7, Issue 6, December 2018
10 January 2019
11 February 2019
1 March 2019
Abstract: It is proved that when changing the parameters of the distribution of passenger traffic between automobile and railway route networks, the quantitative mean values of the average length of the route and medium network range of the ride change by less than 0.01%, and the transfer ratio remains unchanged. It is determined that changing the speed of the ride is such a factor that does not affect the quantitative values of the number of movements in the network, the transfer ratio, the average distance of the trip. At the same time, the existence of a polynomial dependence of the average coefficient of passenger capacity use and the number of buses on the speed of route/network rides has been proved. The functions of redistribution of volumes of transportation in relation to any route of different types of transport, with a constant total number of movements, causes an increase in the number of transported passengers, the transport operation of the route network, the average coefficient of passenger capacity, the number of vehicles. This obtained the sequence and content of studies of rational parameters of the intercity passenger system, which can be used in similar formalization of the action of the mentioned system in the consideration of international route systems. At the same time, the transport systems of a number of countries may modularly constitute the general system of a territory that is combined according to any principle.
Abstract: It is proved that when changing the parameters of the distribution of passenger traffic between automobile and railway route networks, the quantitative mean values of the average length of the route and medium network range of the ride change by less than 0.01%, and the transfer ratio remains unchanged. It is determined that changing the speed of t...
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